• 0261-4326545
  • correntij@gmail.com

Gardening job training for people with disabilities,,es,Jujuy day,,es,Job training,,es,Jujuy to Dia® - In order to create an enabling environment for people with disabilities to acquire the theoretical and practical tools from non-formal education in order to aspire to a particular social inclusion with,,es – The Tribuno.com.ar

Gardening job training for people with disabilities,,es,Jujuy day,,es,Job training,,es,Jujuy to Dia® - In order to create an enabling environment for people with disabilities to acquire the theoretical and practical tools from non-formal education in order to aspire to a particular social inclusion with,,es – The Tribuno.com.ar

The Tribuno.com.ar

Capacitación Laboral en Gardening para personas con discapacidad
The Tribuno.com.ar
The next,,es,April will be held a training course orchards,,es,at the premises of Center for Community Integration Alberdi neighborhood intended for people with disabilities,,es,The goal is to create an environment,,es 18 de abril se llevará a cabo un curso de capacitación de huertas, gardening y paisajismo, en las instalaciones del Centro de Integración Comunitario del barrio Alberdi destinado a personas con discapacidad. El objetivo es crear un ámbito

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Jose Correnti

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