• 0261-4326545
  • correntij@gmail.com

Growing boom of gardening and organic gardening at home,,es,Growing boom,,es,and organic vegetable gardens at home,,es,It is therefore not strange that in a week to complete the,,es,quotas available for orchard and workshops,,es,Basic,,es,which they will be held at the Municipal Farm Minister Rivadavia in April,,es,These workshops,,es,neighbors may,,es – Clarín.com

Growing boom of gardening and organic gardening at home,,es,Growing boom,,es,and organic vegetable gardens at home,,es,It is therefore not strange that in a week to complete the,,es,quotas available for orchard and workshops,,es,Basic,,es,which they will be held at the Municipal Farm Minister Rivadavia in April,,es,These workshops,,es,neighbors may,,es – Clarín.com


Crece el boom de la gardening y las huertas orgánicas en casa
Por ello no resultó extraño que en una semana se completaran los 80 cupos disponibles para los talleres de huerta y gardening básica, que se dictarán en la Granja Municipal de Ministro Rivadavia durante abril. En estos talleres, los vecinos podrán

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Jose Correnti

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