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Spray Irrigation

Spray Irrigation

Riego por Aspersión… irrigation system most used in gardening, grass and soccer fields,.Riego por Aspersión

This method of irrigation is considered the most perfect rainfall simulator but with a unique advantage:
the time and intensity control can be applied to this irrigation system.

Overhead irrigation system comprising a supply of water under pressure through pipes, usually plastic.

There are types of mobile irrigation pipes, most used in plasters large as football fields, canchas de golf y parques donde las tuberías están sobre la superficie del terreno

Una gran variedad de aspersores han sido diseñados para funcionar a diversas presiones, distances and sizes that provide varying flow characteristics and distribution of water, irrigation system adapted to a wide range of conditions.

Riego por Aspersión

The outstanding advantages of this system are:
-Gran economía de agua y mano de obra

-Exactitud del suministro según las especies a regar

-Activa la fertilidad mediante técnicas exactas de riego

-Permite fertilizar y aplicar todo tipo de productos fitosanitarios a través de este sistema

– Savings in labor. Once launched not need special attention. Are commercially effective Developers activated solenoid valves connected to a clock, by sector and time, activate the system according to preprogrammed needs. Whereby labor is negligible

– Ground adaptation. It can be applied to land as the undulating plain need not raid or land preparation.

– The sprinkler efficiency is a 80% versus 50 % in the traditional flood irrigation. Consequently water saving is a very important factor when evaluating this system.

Especially useful for different types of soils and allowing frequent watering and less abundant in poorly permeable surfaces.

Sprinkler irrigation has been tested by several places of Mendoza, San Juan, San Luis, La Rioja under adverse conditions: Poor water quality, restricted capacity floors, difficult and novice farmers crops, always throwing excellent results.

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Jose Correnti

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